St Mary Frittenden Kent



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Who we are

Welcome to St Mary’s Church, Frittenden.

St Mary’s Church is part of the benefice of Sissinghurst with Frittenden. It is in the Weald Deanery of the Archdeaconry of Maidstone, in the Diocese of Canterbury.

We provide a range of services using both traditional and modern forms of worship over a monthly cycle. There is a weekly Sunday Club for children, an active choir and a dedicated team of bellringers.


Church Address

St Mary
The Street
Frittenden, Kent TN172DD
United Kingdom
Phone: 01580 852185

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Church Pastor

Rev Fred Olney
Rev Fred Olney
The Street
Frittenden, Kent TN172DD
United Kingdom
Phone: 01580 852275

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Click here to contact Rev Fred Olney   Edit


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Leader Name:
Rev Fred Olney   Edit
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Rector   Edit
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Click here to contact Rev Fred Olney   Edit
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Admin Name:
John Stansfeld   Edit
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Churchwarden   Edit
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Click here to contact John Stansfeld   Edit

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St Mary - The Street, Frittenden, Kent
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St Mary Service Times

S.P.A.C.E. for Lent

27th March 2019
9:00 am – 9:30 am

Silence Prayer And Communion Ending by 9.30.
School Mother’s Day Service

28th March 2019
2:30 pm

Mothering Sunday Celebration

31st March 2019
9:30 am

School Easter Service

4th April 2019
2:30 pm

Holy Communion (BCP)

7th April 2019
9:30 am

This service follows the traditional Book of Common Prayer wording and uses traditional hymns with the occasional modern one, led by the organ and choir.
Funeral Service for Gordon Murrell

10th April 2019
11:00 am

Holy Communion (BCP)

14th April 2019
8:00 am

This service follows the traditional Book of Common Prayer wording. There is no music or Sunday Club at the 8.00 am service.
All Age Worship

14th April 2019
9:30 am

This is a less formal and shorter service catering for the whole family.
Maundy Thursday Holy Communion with simple meal

18th April 2019
7:00 pm

The Holy Communion Service on Maundy Thursday will include a simple meal and commemorate The Last Supper. Please let Tony or Judy Staples know if you will be attending, tel: 852226.
Good Friday Service of Meditation (Sissinghurst)

19th April 2019
10:30 am

Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast

21st April 2019
5:45 am

Easter Family Communion

21st April 2019
9:30 am

With Sunday Club for children.

It's been more than 5 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.

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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:
Youth and Children’s Ministry

Children are an important part of the life of St Mary’s Church…

Each week church members lead an “Open the Book” morning assembly in Frittenden school. In these assemblies we act out a bible story followed by a moment of reflection, a prayer and a song.

On the second Sunday each month we have a family-oriented service, All Age Worship, which starts at 09.30 am. On all other Sundays we have Sunday club during church services for children of primary school age. There is also an attractive toddlers’ corner at the back of church, equipped with suitable toys and books.

MESSY CHURCH takes place once a month on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 3.30 to 5.30pm. This is another way of being church, designed to cater for all the family. It is run jointly with Trinity church Sissinghurst and meets in the Parish and John Martin rooms, next to the church, at Sissinghurst. Each month we explore a different theme with crafts, games, activities, songs, stories and food in a relaxed atmosphere.

Details of all these activities can be found in the Church Diary section of this website as well as in the Parish Magazine and on the weekly notice sheets in church.   Edit

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Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

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Hymns and Songs:

Other information

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St Mary Church Frittenden Photos

St Mary History

Parish History

Origins of Frittenden

Roman influences are suggested by the remnants of the Roman route from Rochester to Hastings via Maidstone which passes through the Parish of Frittenden at Knoxbridge closely following the track of the A229. It was near this route, at Leggs Wood, off of Granshore Lane, that Roman urns were discovered in 1857, suggesting the possibility of a Roman settlement nearby, possibly even…


The Tithing system Theoretically, tithes are a tax of one-tenth part of income, in its many forms, and produce which were payable to the clergy. Disputes over tithes grew in number following the Reformation. The majority of complaints about tithes given to the Select Committee on the State of Agriculture in 1833 came from Kent. As a last resort discontented farmers could…

Parish Registers

A Mandate, formulated by Thomas Cromwell in 1538, instructed each parish to purchase a ‘sure coffer’ the parson to have one key and a churchwarden another. It is of note that Thomas Cromwell held manors in Frittenden, at Buckhurst, Bewper and Wallinghurst. Under this Mandate, each marriage, christening and burial was to be registered weekly by the minister with the churchwarden acting…

The Vestry

Until 1894 the Vestry was the main form of civil administration. The Easter Vestry appointed Parish Officers such as the Poor Law Overseers, Surveyors, Constables etc. However, Tuesday 4 December 4 1894, Frittenden saw a meeting for the election of Parish Councillors under the Local Government Act. The Rector presided. Although not elected The Rector continued to be a member of the…

Idenden Charity

Thomas Idenden, or Iddynden, who was also a benefactor of the parish of Hawkhurst, by Will dated 3rd April 1566, directed that, after the death of his wife, ‘the churchwardens of the Parish of Frittenden for the time being, and four honest men of the same parish, chosen from time to time by the discretion of the parishioners, should have authority to…

The Rectories

Frittenden has had several Rectories. The first on record was the ‘Old Red House’ recorded for posterity by John Preston Neale c1830. This watercolour was among several reproduced ‘for the Rector for the time being’ in 1842 at the behest of Edward Moore. Moore found the Rectory in such a dilapidated state that he and his new wife commissioned a new building. …

Sinkhurst Green

The footpath [KM620] between Place Farm, Headorn, and Chickenden, Staplehurst, crosses a bridge, Place Farm Bridge, which contains traces of medieval work and the remains of an earlier bridge lie in the river. In later medieval times, most of the early bridges associated with drove roads, and a number of the remaining fords as well, were replaced by substantial stone structures. Witney…

The Brook

As a pastoral district, the typical Weald unit of settlement was either the hamlet or the single farmstead, having little working association with its neighbours, except sometimes in the use of common grazing grounds. Unusually, at Frittenden, a large multi-occupied area appears to have survived from the 16th century through into the 19th century. A popular walk in Frittenden starts at the…


Hasted refers to Knoxbridge as “Nook Bridge”. The oldest recorded area of Frittenden is Tolhurst, Knoxbridge, which was recorded in a charter of 804. Pre-dating even this is a Moot, also situated in Knoxbridge. Moots were open-air meeting places set aside for use by courts and other bodies who were responsible for the administration and organisation of the countryside in Anglo-Saxon and…

Poor Law

The earliest Tudor Poor Laws were very much focused on punishing beggars and vagabonds to deter idleness. For example, the Vagabonds and Beggars Act of 1494 passed by Henry VII decreed that idle persons should be placed in the stocks and then returned to the hundred where he last dwelled or was born. The Tudor Poor Laws ended with the passing of…


St Mary Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer I am in Thy Presence
Help me, Lord, to remember that Christianity is not to be confined to the church ... nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that everywhere I am in Thy Presence.
St Mary listing was last updated on the 24th of March, 2019
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