St. Thomas The Apostle Parish Markham ON

L3R 3R6


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Who we are

St. Thomas The Apostle Parish is a Roman Catholic church in Markham, Ontario.

We are a fellowship of believers, made in God's image and called as disciples of Christ to share the Good News with everyone through learning, listening, praying and working together actively to reach out to our communities.

We are a place to believe, belong, and become!


Church Address

St. Thomas The Apostle Parish
14 Highgate Drive
Markham, ON L3R 3R6
Phone: 905-474-1224 ext. 221
Fax: 905-474-1277

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Church Pastor

Fr. Allyn Rose
Fr. Allyn Rose
14 Highgate Drive
Markham, ON L3R 3R6
Phone: 905-474-1224 ext. 222
Fax: 905-474-1277

Download Pastor Fr. Allyn Rose vCard

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Church Website

St. Thomas The Apostle Parish on Social Media

St. Thomas The Apostle Parish Markham on YouTube

Facebook Video: St. Thomas The Apostle Parish Facebook Video


Leader Name:
Fr. Allyn Rose   Edit
Leader Position:
Pastor   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
905-474-1277   Edit
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Fr. Allyn Rose   Edit
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:
Associate Pastor - Father Patrick Gnanapragasam
Deacon - Everis Munroe
Deacon - Sarfaraz Pinto
Youth Minister - Hill Roshan Arulnesam   Edit

Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Jackie Mackenzie   Edit
Admin Position:
Secretary   Edit
Admin Address:
905-474-1277   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact Jackie Mackenzie   Edit

Mailing Address


Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
St. Thomas The Apostle Parish - 14 Highgate Drive, Markham, ON
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Travel/Direction Tips

2 blocks north of Steeles at Birchmount   Edit


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St. Thomas The Apostle Parish Mass Times

Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00 noon
Ask ushers for listening - aid devices


Monday through Friday 12:10 and 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. (at Convent)
Thurs. evening Mass is in Latin -forma ordinaria


Thursdays and Fridays after noon Mass until
Benediction at 6:45 p.m.


By appointment only: 416-799-0407


Wednesdays before & after evening Mass.


Will be the Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month at 9:30 a.m.
An information package should be picked up at the Parish Office before meeting with the deacon.


An information package should be picked up at the Parish Office before meeting with the priest. One year advanced planning is required.


Families should notify the Parish Office in the event of serious illness.

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Prayers and Hymns

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St. Thomas The Apostle Parish Church Markham Photos

St. Thomas The Apostle Parish History

History of St. Thomas the Apostle Church


The Parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, Markham, was established by His Eminence, Gerald Emmett Cardinal Carter, Archbishop of Toronto, on January 6, 1982. Fr. Siro Lunardon, the founding Pastor, celebrated the first Mass on January 13 in the Chapel of the Sisters of St. Mary Leuca and the first Sunday Mass on January 17 in the gymnasium of Mother Teresa Catholic School.

There were many memorable events that first year. At Easter, many lectors, ushers, and musicians shared in the Liturgical celebration. In May, forty-seven students received Confirmation and one hundred made their First Holy Communion. In September, Fr. Siro began a Bible Study group for Italian parishioners and the "Word of Life" program for English-speaking members of the Parish. October saw Saturday Catechism classes begin with Sr. Addolorata helping the Pastor to instruct thirty families. Mrs. Teresa Kong taught the Chinese-speaking families.

The first Anniversary of the founding of the Parish was graced by Bishop Clune, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, and Bishop in charge of the Eastern Region of the Archdiocese. His Excellency is remembered for the wonderful dialogue that he shared with the parishioners.

Each Spring has seen numerous newly-baptized Catholics become members of our worshiping community. May 25, 1983 saw the first group enter the Church on the Feast of Pentecost, and each successive Spring new classes of converts have entered the Church. In 1985, with the help of Srs. Vilma, Domitilla and Betty, a start was made to implement the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Program, and this continues on presently.

In the Fall of 1983, a number of the Toronto Archdiocesan priests were transferred. Rev. J. Basil Breen succeeded Fr. Lunardon on September 28.

A second "Midnight Mass" was scheduled in 1983 and called the "Christmas Family Mass". Under the leadership of Sr. Addolorata and assisted by the other Sisters, the children's choir prepared to present a Christmas Pageant and sing Carols at that Mass. These Carols were rendered in many languages, reflecting the many cultures that compose St. Thomas the Apostle Parish.

During its short history, the Parish has been grateful for the extra assistance of a number of clergy. The Basilians, the White Fathers, and individual priests have celebrated Holy Mass, preached, heard Confessions, and celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism. Fr. Pierangelo Paternieri of the Scalabrini Fathers, and Fr. Luigi Galanti, Associate Pastor of St. Mary Immaculate, Richmond Hill, have alternated in offering Mass each Monday evening in Italian, the "house language" of the Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca. Fr. Ray Hart assisted on weekends in the winter of 1984-85.

Due to the sacrificial support of many Parishioners, our worshiping community was able to make plans for a Parish Church. From February 1985 to the present, the Steering Committee met many times to plan and carry out this construction. Mr. Domenic Amato, the Architect, had originally been consulted as the feasibility of building on just one acre of land. Everyone is in accord that his vision of the property has been brought to most fruitful realization. Mr. Vince Citriniti, of A.M. Citriniti Co. Ltd., built a very solid edifice, beginning on July 17, 1985 so that priests and parishioners were able to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost on May 22/25, 1986.

The setting for the first Mass was austere, but joyful: Cement, not carpet for flooring; metal chairs, not pews for seating. But great happiness for all as we adored Almighty God in His and our new home. After the 12:00 Noon Mass that day, the happiness of the occasion was increased by the very first social event - a reception in the small hall (the large one was not as yet finished).

Finally, today, November 30, 1986. The Solemn Dedication and Official Opening of our Church by His Eminence Gerald Emmettt Cardinal Carter. An end is reached. Now let us begin. Our people and resources are enormous, and we are surely well-equipped to make ours a well-functioning, active community. Besides our Pastoral team and the Sisters of St. Mary of Leuca, we have in our Parish Community many people giving leadership, time, sacrifice, and enthusiastic service to the Parish. We cannot name them here, but they are the arteries of our Parish body. We can never thank them enough. We pray that the Lord may abundantly bless them.

List of Clergy Officially Appointed:

Fr. Siro Lunardon, P.P. (1982-83) Fr. J. Basil Breen, P.P. (1983-) Fr. Bernard Lee, Associate Pastor (1985-86) Rev. Mr. Pius Kim, Deacon Assistant (1984-85) Mr. Neil Roy, Seminarian (Summer, 1984) Fr. Tom McKillop, in Residence (1982-83)

Officially assisting:

Members of the Basilian Fathers (St. Basil's College) Members of the White Fathers (Thornhill) Fr. Pierangelo Paternieri, C.S. Fr. Luigi Galanti Fr. Edwin Galia, (Baptized Catechism Class of 30, 1984) Fr. Ray Hart

Present Permanent Deacon: Rev. Mr. Larry Oneson

(Note: The above article is copied as it originally appeared in the program of the "Dedication and Official Opening of St. Thomas the Apostle Church by His Eminence, Gerald Emmett Cardinal Carter, D.D., Ph.D., Archbishop of Toronto November 30, 1986.")


St. Thomas The Apostle Parish Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Give me a stout heart
Give me a stout heart to bear my own burdens. Give me a willing heart to bear the burdens of others. Give me a believing heart to cast all burdens upon Thee, O Lord.
St. Thomas The Apostle Parish listing was last updated on the 2nd of March, 2021
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