Churches in Evergreen, AL

There are 12 churches in 6 denominations listed with in Evergreen, Alabama.

The most popular denominations in Evergreen are United Methodist Church (5 churches) , Community of Christ (2 churches) and Assemblies of God (2 churches).

There are also Church of God, Pentecostal and Seventh-day Adventist Church churches in Evergreen.

Recently Updated Church Listings in Evergreen

Address: 107 Pinecrest St,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Lead Pastor: Charles D Morris

Service Times:

Denomination: Assemblies of God

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All Churches in Evergreen

Address: 9987 Owassa Rd,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Lead Pastor: Jasper A Davis

Service Times:

Denomination: Assemblies of God
Add Bowles Assembly of God - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: County Hwy 22 & Flatrock-brownville Rd,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Pastor: H Vern Klinger

Service Times:

Denomination: United Methodist Church
Add Brownsville - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: County Road 13,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Pastor: Kay Vickrey

Service Times:

Denomination: United Methodist Church
Add Centenary United Methodist Church - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: County Hwy 29 & County Hwy 33,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Pastor: Ramonia Smith

Service Times:

Denomination: United Methodist Church
Add Chestnut Grove - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: Rural and Martin St.,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Service Times:

Denomination: Community of Christ
Add Evergreen Community of Christ - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: 118 Desplous Street,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Pastor: William D Messer

Service Times:

Denomination: United Methodist Church
Add First Evergreen - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: 107 Pinecrest St,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Lead Pastor: Charles D Morris

Service Times:

Denomination: Assemblies of God

Address: RR 1,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Pastor: Mildred Brown

Service Times:

Denomination: Community of Christ
Add Lone Star Community of Christ - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: 9395 State Highway 83,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Pastor: Kay Vickrey

Service Times:

Denomination: United Methodist Church
Add Mount Zion West United Methodist Church - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Service Times:

Denomination: Church of God
Add Spirit Life Church of God - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401

Service Times:

Denomination: Pentecostal
Add Trinity Bible - Evergreen, Alabama photo

Address: 102 Rural St,
Evergreen, Alabama, United States 36401-2834

Pastor: Donell Morgan Sr.

Service Times:

Denomination: Seventh-day Adventist Church
Add Your Bible Speaks Seventh-day Adventist Company - Evergreen, Alabama photo

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