Chinese For Christ New York Church


Chinese For Christ New York Church Flushing - photo courtesy of E. Huang
Directions & Map to CFCNYC
Children Sunday School Student Memorize Bible Scripture Award

Who we are

Statement of Faith

We believe in the one true God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in Trinity.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God's beloved and only begotten son, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, the Word becoming flesh and living among men; He bore the burden of the world's sin and gave His life and shed His blood on the cross; He was buried, but rose from the dead on the third day; later He ascended into heaven and now sits at God's right hand to intercede for all saints; He will come again to receive the church, establish the heavenly kingdom on earth and judge the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who reveals and inspires; He convicts men of sin, makes them repent, and gives them new life; He comforts and upholds the believers, and sanctify them to a victorious life.
We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired word of God, the only scripture of Christianity, and the final authority of Christian faith and living.
We believe that Satan sinned from the beginning; he is the prince of the world, ruling this dark world; he is also the prince of the power of the air; he is the evil spirit who works in the hearts of the sons of disobedience; he is the source of all evil, and is the enemy of all goodness.
We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but because of his rebellion and disobedience to God's will, he sinned and is doomed to perish, becoming the enemy of God; thus man must be born again, that is, he must receive Jesus Christ as his personal savior and believe in the salvation through the Cross of the Lord Jesus, so that his sin is forgiven by means of His precious blood; only then can he regain sonship of God and will not perish, but have eternal life.
We believe that the church is the body of Christ built by the Holy Spirit; it is the house of the eternal God, of which Jesus Christ is the head, and all saints are joined together in the Lord Jesus as members of one body.

Church Address

14221 Franklin Avenue
Flushing, NY 11355
United States
Phone: (718) 358-9725
Fax: (718).762-0871

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Church Pastor

Pastor Joshua Cheng
14221 Franklin Avenue
Flushing, NY 11355
United States
Phone: (718) 358-9725
Fax: (516) 467-5580

Download Pastor Pastor Joshua Cheng vCard

Quote of the Day

Luke 12:24

Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?




Social Media


Leader Name:
Pastor Joshua Cheng
Leader Position:
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
(516) 467-5580

Leader Email:
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:

Pastor Joshua Cheng on Social Media:

Chinese For Christ New York Church Leadership Photos


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Admin Address:

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Mailing Address

Chinese For Christ New York Church on the map

Driving Directions to Chinese For Christ New York Church

Chinese For Christ New York Church - 14221 Franklin Avenue, Flushing, NY
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Directions Tips

From East via Long Island Expressway (LIE or 495):

Exit 24 (Kissena Blvd.)
Turn right onto Kissena Blvd.
About 1 mile, turn right onto Franklin Ave.
Church is 1 and 1/2 block from the turn (on the left side)

From West via Long Island Expressway (LIE or 495):

Exit 24 (Kissena Blvd.)
Turn left onto Kissena Blvd.
About 1 mile, turn right onto Franklin Ave.
Church is 1 and 1/2 block from the turn (on the left side)

From North via Triboro Bridge:

Take Grand Central Parkway (GCP) East
Passed La Guardia Airport, bear right & follow Northern Blvd. (25A) sign
Exit Northern Blvd. (25A) East
Stay on Northern Blvd. (25A), about 1 mile, turn right onto Union St.
Go to the end of Union St., turn left onto Franklin Ave.
Church is 1/2 block from the turn (on the left side)

From North via Whitestone Bridge:

Take Whitestone Expressway (678) South
Exit Linden Pl.
Turn left at the first traffic light onto Linden Pl.
Turn left onto 35th Ave.
Turn right onto Union St.
Go to the end of Union St., turn left on to Franklin Ave.
Church is 1/2 block from the turn (on the left side)

From South via Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE):

Get on Long Island Expressway (LIE or 495) East
Exit 24 (Kissena Blvd.)
Turn left onto Kissena Blvd.
About 1 mile, turn right onto Franklin Ave.
Church is 1 and 1/2 block from the turn (on the left side)


Chinese For Christ New York Church Flushing Service Times

Services / Schedule

Chinese Worship / Sunday 9:30 AM
Children Sunday School / Sunday 9:30 AM
Chinese Adult Sunday School / Sunday 11:30 AM
English Worship / Sunday 11:30 AM
English Adult Sunday School / Sunday 1:45 PM
Chinese Prayer Meeting / Tuesday 10:00 AM
Chinese Exposition Bible Study / Thursday 1:00 PM
Chinese Bible Study / Friday 7:30 PM
English Bible Study / Friday 8:00 PM

各項聚會 / 時間

國粵語崇拜 / 主日上午九時三十分
兒童主日學 / 主日上午九時三十分
中文成人主日學 / 主日上午十一時三十分
英語崇拜 / 主日上午十一時三十分
英語成人主日學 / 主日下午一時三十分
國語禱告探訪 / 星期二上午十時
國語研經班 / 星期四下午一時
國語查經班 / 星期五晚上七時三十分
英語查經班 / 星期五晚上八時

Service Times last updated on the 5th of March, 2021

Worship Languages

Dress code:

Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:

Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities:

Other activities & ministries

Special Needs/Accessibility:

Prayers and hymns:

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information:

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

Chinese For Christ New York Church Photo Gallery

Chinese For Christ New York Church Flushing - photo courtesy of E. Huang
Directions & Map to CFCNYC
Children Sunday School Student Memorize Bible Scripture Award

Chinese For Christ New York Church History

Chinese For Christ New York Church Historical Photos

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