Estonian Baptist Church

M4K 2P9

Estonian Baptist Church Toronto ON - T​oronto Eesti Baptisti Kogudus
Christmas 2018
Sunday worship
This is us - Siin me oleme!
Bake sale

Who we are

T​oronto Eesti Baptisti Kogudus
Estonian Baptist Church of Toronto

Oled südamest teretulnud meie ainulaadse koguduse osadusse!
Our heartfelt welcome to you all!

Oled oodatud!
We've been expecting you!

ere tulemast Toronto ühte ainulaadseimasse kogudusse! Oleme olnud koduks kus kasvatada juuri ja tugevdada tiibasid edasilennuks juba peaaegu 70 aastat - ajad muutuvad, aga meie Jumal on sama.

Warm welcome to one of the most unique churches in Toronto! For almost 70 years it has been a place that has helped us find our roots and wings and has remained the home base for so many. Times are changing, but our God remains the same.

Church Address

883 Broadview Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K 2P9
Phone: 416-465-0639

Download Estonian Baptist Church vCard with Service Times

Church Pastor

883 Broadview Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K 2P9
Phone: 416-465-0639

Download Pastor Timo Lige vCard

Quote of the Day

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.



Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec


Social Media

Estonian Baptist Church Toronto on YouTube


Leader Name:
Timo Lige
Leader Position:
Formal Title:
Leader Address:

Leader Email:
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:

Timo Lige on Social Media:

Estonian Baptist Church Leadership Photos

Pastor Timo Lige
Koguduse nõukogu - 2018 The Board of Elders - 2018


Admin Name:
Admin Position:
Admin Address:

Admin Email:

Mailing Address

Estonian Baptist Church on the map

Driving Directions to Estonian Baptist Church

Estonian Baptist Church - 883 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, ON
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Directions Tips


Estonian Baptist Church Toronto Service Times

Mis toimub?

What's happening?

Every Sunday

Virtual service

11:00 am

Video posted on Facebook TEBK page), Youtube (Toronto Eesti Baptisti Kogudus channel) and on our website

Service Times last updated on the 17th of January, 2021

Worship Languages

Dress code:

Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:

Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities:

Other activities & ministries

Special Needs/Accessibility:

Prayers and hymns:

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information:

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

Estonian Baptist Church Photo Gallery

Estonian Baptist Church Toronto ON - T​oronto Eesti Baptisti Kogudus
Christmas 2018
Sunday worship
This is us - Siin me oleme!
Bake sale

Estonian Baptist Church History

Our church was formed on June 26, 1949 when 16 young Baptist refugees from Estonia decided to join together and establish a local Estonian speaking church. At first the church was affiliated with the earlier founded New York Estonian church, but a year later the Estonian Baptist Church of Toronto was officially recognized as an independent church belonging to the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec. Largely due to immigration to Canada the church grew quickly. Our own church building was completed in 1963 and by 1972 the congregation had grown to 372 members. The younger generation started blending into the local culture and so also the church became bilingual to some extent. Through the years, many of our young people have gone to serve in Canadian churches and are still continuing to do so. Our church has continued our ministry in two languages – but still as one community - giving everyone an opportunity to communicate in a way that is most comfortable. We are involved in our local Estonian community life and have also built meaningful connections with the Estonian Baptist Convention in Estonia after Estonia reclaimed its independence in August of 1991. All our times are in God’s hands and by His grace we’ve been blessed to carry on God’s work here for almost 70 years. We are starting to get ready to celebrate that significant milestone next year – come join us!

Kogudus moodustus 26. juunil 1949, mil 16 kodumaalt põgenenud baptisti otsustasid koonduda kohalikuks eestikeelseks koguduseks. Esialgu tegutseti New Yorgi Eesti Koguduse osakonnana, kuni aasta hiljem astuti Ontario ja Quebeci Baptisti Liitu Toronto Eesti Baptisti Kogudusena. Immigratsiooni tulemusel kasvas kogudus järgnevail aastail kiiresti. Oma kirik valmis 1963. aastal ja 1972. aastaks oli koguduse liikmeid 372. Sealt algas noore põlvkonna sulandumine kohalikku kultuuriruumi ja kogudus muutus kakskeelseks. Koguduse keskelt on välja kasvanud mitmed Kanada kirikutes tegutsenud ja tegutsevad töötegijad. Oleme jätkanud kakskeelsena, mis tähendab igale liikmele eesõigust suhelda talle sobivas keeles. Jumalateenistutel on pidev sünkroontõlge inglise keelde. Vastupidist tõlget ei ole enam ammu vaja. Kogudus jätkab aktiivset tööd oma kogukonnas. Kuulume jätkuvalt Ontario ja Quebeci Baptistiliitu ja oleme teinud ka märkimisväärset koostööd Eesti taasvabanemise järel Eesti Baptistiliiduga. Etnilise kallakuga kogudusena oleme tohtinud tegutseda ligi 70 aastat. Läheme vastu suurele juubelile ja ka muutustele. Jumala käes on kõik meie ajad. Ootame Sind!

Estonian Baptist Church Historical Photos

Estonian Baptist Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Estonian Baptist Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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