Glacierview Baptist Church


Glacierview Baptist Church, Homer, Alaska, United States
Glacierview Baptist Church, Homer, Alaska, United States

Who we are

Our aim is to offer you opportunities for spiritual growth, through worship, friendship, and service. The church is strengthened as each of us works together. This mutual encouragement produces maturity in us and brings glory to Jesus Christ.

You will find that our worship is both traditional and contemporary. This is intentional on our part. We believe that young and old alike can and should worship God together. Please consider coming and joining us for a regular weekly worship service, we’d be excited to have you!

Church Address

960 East Rd
Homer, AK 99603-7203
United States
Phone: (907) 235-8779

Download Glacierview Baptist Church vCard with Service Times

Church Pastor

Rick & E Wise
960 East Rd
Homer, AK 99603-7203
United States
Phone: (907) 235-8779

Download Pastor Rick & E Wise vCard with Bio

Quote of the Day

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.




Social Media


Leader Name:
Rick & E Wise
Leader Position:
Formal Title:
Leader Address:

Leader Email:
Leader Bio:
Hi. I am Pastor Rick Wise. My wife’s name is Eileene but most people know her as “E.” We have three grown children Stephanie, Marty and Tina and 10 grandchildren. E and I have been married for over 45 years. I was born in Anchorage, AK in October, 1953.

In May of 1954 my parents moved to Homer where I have lived the Alaskan dream. Like many Alaskans, I’ve been a commercial fisherman and construction worker. I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, biking and snow-machining. From a young age I felt God’s call on my life. My preparation for ministry included three years attending an Aircraft Mechanic School in Wichita Falls, Texas where I met my wife.

In January of 1977, we attended Piedmont Bible College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and graduated in 1982. We then moved to Winona Lake, Indiana where I attended Grace Seminary, graduating in 1985. I have had the great privilege of pastoring my home church since 1985. It has been a joy to see what God has done. I hope that you will get an opportunity to visit our church and met all the wonderful people that make Glacierview a great church.
Other Church Leaders:

Rick & E Wise on Social Media:

Glacierview Baptist Church Leadership Photos

Pastor Rick & Eileene Wise


Admin Name:
Admin Position:
Admin Address:

Admin Email:

Mailing Address

Glacierview Baptist Church on the map

Driving Directions to Glacierview Baptist Church

Glacierview Baptist Church - 960 East Rd, Homer, AK
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Directions Tips


Glacierview Baptist Church Homer Service Times

Sunday services

Sunday School: 10:00 am
Morning Worship: 11:00 am

Service Times last updated on the 1st of June, 2023

Worship Languages

Dress code:

Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:

Under 18s:
Children’s ministries

We have ministries focused on all ages of children, from pre-k through 12th grade on both Sunday and Wednesday.

Sunday Morning:
- Sunday School
- Junior Church

Wednesday Evening:
- Elementary Program (5:30 pm)
(September - March)
- Jr./Sr. High (7:00 pm)
(Year Round)

Local outreach & community activities:

Other activities & ministries

Adult ministries

We offer opportunities, studies, and classes for adults of all ages through the entire week.

Men’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Sunday School Classes

Special Needs/Accessibility:

Prayers and hymns:

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information:

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

Glacierview Baptist Church Photo Gallery

Glacierview Baptist Church, Homer, Alaska, United States
Glacierview Baptist Church, Homer, Alaska, United States

Glacierview Baptist Church History

Glacierview Baptist Church Historical Photos

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