Scott Valley Church


Who we are

Scott Valley Church in Westphalia, Kansas is a Christian congregation serving the Westphalia community and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.

We seek to serve God by working for justice and peace, respect and learn from all the great faith traditions and desire to be known by the love we have for one another.

Church Address

1504 Underwood Ln SE
Westphalia, KS 66093
United States
Phone: 785-448-8042

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Church Pastor

Vernon Yoder
1504 Underwood Ln SE
Westphalia, KS 66093
United States
Phone: 785-448-8042

Download Pastor Vernon Yoder vCard

Quote of the Day

John 5:28

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,




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Vernon Yoder
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Admin Name:
Nelda Hutcheson
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Mailing Address

Pastor Vernon
20719 SW Missouri Rd
Garnett KS

Scott Valley Church on the map

Driving Directions to Scott Valley Church

Scott Valley Church - 1504 Underwood Ln SE, Westphalia, KS
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Travel/Directions Tips

8 miles East & 3 miles North of Burlington


Scott Valley Church Westphalia Service Times

Sunday Morning Worship: 9 a.m.

Service Times last updated on the 17th of March, 2024

Worship Languages

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Scott Valley Church Photo Gallery

Scott Valley Church History

The Scott Valley church, which includes in its territory Coffey and Woodson counties and a strip three miles wide of the counties of Anderson and Allen, was organized on June 18, 1 887 . It was formerly a part of the Ced ar Creek (now Mont Ida ) congregation.

The Brethren were apparently unknown in the community when in about 1884, Elder Jesse Studebaker of Mont Ida, one of the most influential and widely-known of the Brethren in eastern Kansas, began holding meetings from time to time in the ' Mount Joy and Scott Valley school houses . The presence of a good number of French people, largely Spiritualists, did not make the field altogether a promising o ne. Bro. Studebaker was assisted in his efforts by Brethren Chas. M. Yearout and James Shaw.

When the organization was perfected there were about forty or forty- five members who fell properly within the bounds of the new congregation. Of the earlier members the following names are preserved : Jacob Keim and wife, James Shaw and wife, E . J. Miller and wife, John M. Miller and wife, Z . B . Mummert and wife, Solomon Boots and wife, George Slaughter and wife, Jerry Overstreet and wife, Job Hulse and wife, Adam Clark and wife, Bro. Lane and wife, David Miller, Mary Miller, Annie Shemberger, and Caroline Bouse. The Scott Valley church was organized at the Scott Valley school house, one and one- half miles northwest of the present church building. Jesse Studebaker was chosen elder in charge, E . J. Miller was elected clerk, and Solomon Boots was chosen treasurer. James Shaw and E . J. Miller were the ministers and John M. Miller and Z . B . Mummert were deacons.

At the second business meeting it was decided to hold meetings alternately at the Mount Joy and Scott Valley school houses . In 1888, Charles M. Yearout, a minister in the second degree, moved into the congregation. The church prospered. A proj ect to build a church in 1889 , however, miscarried. On July 7 , 189 1, with Elders S. Z. Sharp, Daniel Vaniman, Jesse Studebaker, and James E . Hilkey present, Bro. Yearout was ordained to the eldership. On May 2 0, 1 8 9 3 , the matter of b uil ding a church again c ame up an d a committee on location was appointed, consisting of Peter Hahn, Jake Clark, and J. M. Miller. A special council, held on September 24, 189 3, accepted the committee’ s report, agreeing upon the southeast corner of the Woodberry farm as the location. The building committee consisted of Jake Clark, Solomon Boots, Peter Hahn, C. Myers, and B . Bouse. In due time a commodious structure, thirty- two by fifty feet, was erected. On November 4, 1 89 4, it was dedicated, free from debt, by Elder M. T. Baer. The church is located nine miles south and one mile east of Waverly, nine miles northwest of Westphalia, and eleven miles west and two north of Mont Ida.

The losses by emigration have been heavy. According to one account, up to 19 1 5, one hundred and ninety- two letters had been granted and but one hundred and sixteen had been received. There had been Sixteen deaths and twenty members had been disfellowshipped . All told, about one hundred and twenty persons had been baptized. The city of Independence has attracted many members . Others have moved to California, Colorado, Idaho, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Washington. In 19 18, the membership was about twenty- four or twenty—six. Isolated members who logically belong to Scott Valley are found at Hall’ s Summit, Neosho Falls, and Burlington.

Seven men have been called to the ministry by this congregation. They are Charles A. Miller ( October 13, F. G. Edward s (February 2 1, Ernest F. Sherfy (Feb ruary 2 1, John S. Sherfy (January 2 , Frank R. Smith (January 2, C. Myers ( September 17 and H. C. Smith (October 14, The two last named were, at their own request, relieved of the ministerial office.

In 19 08, J. M. Atkins, a minister, moved into the congrega tion. On July 6 , A. M. Peterson, a minister, handed in his letter but removed the same year. J. A. Strohm, another minister, came in 19 1 1 . The following ordinations have taken place : Charles M. Yearout (July 7 , Frank R. Smith and J. A. Strohm (December 30 , The eldership of the church has been held by the following Jesse Studebaker ( 1887 Jacob Keim ( 1889 Lemuel Hillery ( 189 0 Chas M. Yearout ( 189 1 John Sherfy ( 189 6 R. F. McCune ( 19 07 Chas.

A. Miller ( 19 08 Frank R. Smith ( 19 15 and J. A. Strohm ( 19 16 Evangelists who have preached for the church in special efforts are John E . Crist, George Manon, I. H. Crist, F. E . Mc Cune , Chas . M. Yearout, Moses T. Baer, Chas . A. Miller, Salem Beery, John Sherfy, W. H. Miller, R. A. Yoder, George R. Eller, E . D . Steward, O . H. Austin, and R. P. Hylton. The pressing need of the community and church is pastoral care for the fruits of these revival efforts.


Scott Valley Church Historical Photos

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