Southside Nazarene Church


Southside Nazarene Church, Chesterfield, Virginia, United States
Sunday service at Southside Church
Easter Eagg Hunt 2015
Trunk or Treat 2014
This Is My Church!

Who we are

What we believe

Southside Church wants to be known in Chesterfield County by the way we:


What is a Nazarene? Southside Nazarene Church is a part of The Church of the Nazarene which is a world-wide Protestant denomination that believes in: the Bible as the Word of God, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ as the mission of the Church and being filled with the Holy Spirit as the power for victorious living. We hold to all the traditional evangelical Bible beliefs in the tradition of John Wesley and the Methodist revivals of the 1800s.

We are named after "Jesus the Nazarene" (Matthew 2:23). Nazareth was Jesus’ hometown and was considered "on the other side of the tracks." (John 1:46) The apostle Paul was later called "the ringleader of the Nazarene sect." (Acts 24:5)

What is unique about the Nazarene Church? We emphasize the need for a fully devoted dedication to God. We believe that Jesus should not only be our Savior but that God should be the leader and controller of our fully surrendered life... in other words our love for God should be genuine, sincere, and visible to others. This takes the power of the Holy Spirit to completely fill our lives and break the power of sin in our hearts.

Church Address

6851 Courthouse Road
Chesterfield, VA 23832
United States
Phone: (804) 778-7800

Download Southside Nazarene Church vCard with Service Times

Church Pastor

Wynne Lankford
Lead Pastor
6851 Courthouse Road
Chesterfield, VA 23832
United States
Phone: (804) 778-7800

Download Lead Pastor Wynne Lankford vCard

Quote of the Day

Isaiah 53:4

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.




Social Media


Leader Name:
Wynne Lankford
Leader Position:
Lead Pastor
Formal Title:
Leader Address:

Leader Email:
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:

Wynne Lankford on Social Media:

Southside Nazarene Church Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Marla Covey
Admin Position:
Office & HR Manager
Admin Address:

Admin Email:

Mailing Address

Southside Nazarene Church on the map

Driving Directions to Southside Nazarene Church

Southside Nazarene Church - 6851 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Directions Tips


Southside Nazarene Church Chesterfield Service Times

Worship Services

When you walk in the doors of Southside Church, it’s our hope that you experience a sense of ease and a place where you feel welcome. During each of the weekend services there are ministries for all ages – nursery, PreK, K-3rd grade, 4th & 5th grade, Middle School, High School, and Adults. Helpful greeters and signs will make it easy to know where to go and what to do.

Courthouse Campus
Courthouse Road at Rt. 288
Saturdays, 6 PM
Sundays, 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 AM

Enon Campus
500 Baptist Drive (near Elizabeth Davis Middle School)
Sundays, 11 AM

Online Campus
Sundays, 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 AM

Service Times last updated on the 31st of August, 2016

Worship Languages

Dress code:

Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
The Children’s Ministry at Southside Church believes that your kids don’t simply need babysitting during services or trite classes. We believe that Children’s Ministry is something that actually shapes the type of person your child will become. We do this through singing, drama, comedy, multi-media, games, prayer and teaching. The well-being of your kids means the world to us and when you entrust them to us (even for an hour!), we take that job very seriously. Welcome to The Splash & The WAVE!

Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities:

Other activities & ministries

Special Needs/Accessibility:

Prayers and hymns:

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information:

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

Southside Nazarene Church Photo Gallery

Southside Nazarene Church, Chesterfield, Virginia, United States
Sunday service at Southside Church
Easter Eagg Hunt 2015
Trunk or Treat 2014
This Is My Church!

Southside Nazarene Church History

Southside Nazarene Church Historical Photos

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