St Ignatius' Church
North Lanarkshire


St Ignatius' Church Wishaw - photo courtesy of Maciej Zurawski

Who we are

St Ignatius' Church in Wishaw, North Lanarkshire is a Christian congregation serving the Wishaw community and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.

We seek to serve God by working for justice and peace, respect and learn from all the great faith traditions and desire to be known by the love we have for one another.

Church Address

74 Young Street
Wishaw, North Lanarkshire ML2 8HS
United Kingdom
Phone: 01698 296550

Download St Ignatius' Church vCard with Mass Times

Church Pastor

Rev. Fr. Stephen Rooney
Parish Priest
74 Young Street
Wishaw, North Lanarkshire ML2 8HS
United Kingdom
Phone: 01698 296550

Download Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Stephen Rooney vCard with Bio

Quote of the Day

1 John 3:20

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.



The Catholic Church in Scotland


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Leader Name:
Rev. Fr. Stephen Rooney
Leader Position:
Parish Priest
Formal Title:
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Leader Bio:
Father Rooney, after studying at Chesters and Scotus Colleges in Glasgow where he took his Diplomas in Philosophy and Theology from the Pontifical University of Maynooth, he was ordained 0n 26th of June 1998 by Bishop Joseph Devine in St Gerard's Bellshill. He was the first ordination in that Parish .

After his ordination ,he was appointed as a curate in St Colmkille's, Rutherglen, he served in Sacred Heart Bellshill and Our Lady of Lourdes East Kilbride before becoming the Parish Priest of Our Lady and St.John's Blackwood and St Mary's, Larkhall As they were merged into one parish, he became Parish Priest of the New Parish of Our Lady of Fatima.

In February 2020, He was appointed Paish Priest of St Ignatiuis' Wishaw.
Other Church Leaders:
Pastor Emeritus: Rt. Rev. Michael J. Conway BA MSc DD.

Rev. Fr. Stephen Rooney on Social Media:

St Ignatius' Church Leadership Photos

Fr. Stephen Rooney


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Mailing Address

St Ignatius' Church on the map

Driving Directions to St Ignatius' Church

St Ignatius' Church - 74 Young Street, Wishaw, North Lanarkshire
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Directions Tips


St Ignatius' Church Wishaw Mass Times

Mass Times

Sunday 10:00 am; 12:00 noon; 6:00 pm. (Vigil on Saturday Evening: 5:30 pm)
Holydays of Obligation 9:30 am; 7:00 pm (Vigil 7:00 pm on eve of the Holyday)
Monday to Friday 9:30 am (Also First Friday 7:30 pm) Saturday 10:00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 9:30 am - 9:55 am after 10:00 am Mass and after Vigil Mass

Monday to Friday 9:10 am

Stations of the Cross
Friday 1:00 p.m. during Season of Lent( With school )

Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life
Thursday after Mass until 4:00 pm

Divine Mercy Services before the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Angelus Bell
Daily at 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm

Weddings and Baptisms by arrangement with Father Maguiness

Mass Times last updated on the 1st of July, 2020

Worship Languages

Dress code:

Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:

Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities:

Other activities & ministries


An administration team headed by Greta Docherty and Mary McCue deals with the non-sacramental aspects of running the Parish.

Altar Servers

Sacristan, Jim Devine, is assisted by Rosemarie Casey in the recruitment and training of our altar Servers where there is only a lower age limit. Boys and girls over 8 years old and men and women can all join in assisting at Mass, a privilege which had been denied females for a long time in the past.


An organisation under the auspices of the Scout movement for boys and girls between the ages of 5 and three quarters and 8. Meeting on Mondays between 5:45 pm and 7:00 pm. The leader is Evelyn Ann Gray.


A number of our secondary schoolchildren are participating in this charitable work.

Child Protection

All adults in the Parish who work with children and youths are subject to scrutiny and approval and Marie Watt is responsible direct to the Diocesan Authorities for ensuring the safety of all children attending any of the activities associated with our church. There is a very rigid set of rules applying to those working with children in our Dioceses and these are displayed publicly at the back of the church.

Children's Liturgy

At 10:00 Mass on Sunday, there is a celebration of the Liturgy of the Word for children of primary school age, although it is often attended by their younger siblings. A number of Parishioners are responsible for preparing the Sunday Liturgy of the Word for the children under the leadership of Arlene Paterson. On completion of the Liturgy of the Word the children join in the Offertory procession and the remainder of the Mass.


Under Organist, Paul Kennedy, the choir enhances the 12:00 noon Mass each Sunday and at services on major Feastdays. Rehearsals normally take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. New members are always welcome.

Church and Hall

Alison Rooney is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Church and Hall Fabric and contents.


James Devine, the Sacristan, keeps the church clean and tidy by his weekly clean up, with the assistance of volunteers.

Congregation of Our Lady

New Horizons: a house run by Sister Martina Boylan of the Congregation of Our Lady. Previously known as Canonesses of St. Augustine.

Co-workers of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

This group under Rosemarie Casey provides material and Spiritual help to the Missionaries of Charity in Glasgow, Edinburgh and abroad.


For boys and girls of 8 and 10 and a half years old. They meet in the Loyola Centre on Mondays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm and are led by Evelyn Ann Gray.

Eucharistic Ministers

We have a large number of Special Ministers of the Eucharist, who help with the distribution of the Sacred Host and the Precious Blood at Mass and who lead Eucharistic Services when necessary, but particularly during Lent. They also minister to the sick and housebound of the Parish on Sundays after Mass, thus uniting the whole Parish on Sundays. The rotation of special ministers is the responsibility of Anne Marie Pearson.


All financial records and payments are the responsibility of Greta Docherty.

First Communion

Heather Johnstone leads two sessions of activities for parents and children in preparation for the children's First Communion.

Floral Decoration

Catherine Dale, is responsible for decorations of the church with flower arranging.


Alison Rooney is responsible for organising functions in the Loyola Centre.

Lay Readers

Tom Farrell organises the Ministers of the Word who are responsible for proclaiming the Holy Scriptures on Sundays and weekdays, as well as leading the Intercessions for the Prayers of the Faithful at all Masses.


Father Maguiness is currently responsible for the production of the weekly Bulletin to keep the Parish up to date with all the latest events in the Parish, as well as Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths. Notices for the Bulletin are requested to be handed in by Thursday morning.


The Parish has organised a number of pilgrimages in the past to places such as St. Andrew's, Tuscany, Rome and more recently to Lindisfarne and Venice and Portugal. A further pilgrimage is planned for Assisi later this year.

Pope Francis Award

A number of our Primary schoolchildren are participating in this scheme.

Prayer Group

The Rosary is recited Monday to Friday at 09:10 before morning Mass.


The Pre-Baptism Group run by Rosemarie Casey and Marie Watt, meet in the Loyola Centre to help the parents and sponsors of children to be baptised, to enable them to enjoy and fully participate in the Ceremony of Baptism. Father Gerry visits the families at home before the baptisms take place.


Rite of Christian Initian of Adults is to assist people to join the Catholic church. See Becoming a Catholic. The group is co-ordinated by Heather Johnstone.

Records and Statistics

The church maintains records of all Baptism, Confirmations, Marriages and Funerals. The church also keeps records of Confirmations and Burials. Statistics regarding the population of the Parish are also kept and a count of the people attending Mass on the 1st Sunday in November each year is sent to the Diocesan authorities. Currently these duties are carried out by Mary McCue.

Seasonal Cleaning

Rosemarie Casey organises additional church cleaners for the major Feastdays.


Nan Briody and her assistants provide all types of Religious objects and books together with cards and calendars in the appropriate seasons.


Founded in Paris, the Society of St.Vincent de Paul exists to assist the poor of all races, colours and creeds and draws financial support from exit collections at the church door. The society also leads prayers in the houses of bereaved families. It is currently led by President John McTaggert. Meetings are on Mondays at 7:00 pm in the Loyola Centre.


With a cheery smile, our Welcomers will provide you with a warm greeting on your entry to the Main Services in our church. They will present you with Hymn and Mass Books and find you a seat when the churh is busy. They will also assist with the Offertory gifts.

Youth Group

Organised to provide for the different interests of the Youth of the Parish.They meet in the Loyola Centre on Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 p.m.

Special Needs/Accessibility:

Prayers and hymns:

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information:

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

St Ignatius' Church Photo Gallery

St Ignatius' Church Wishaw - photo courtesy of Maciej Zurawski

St Ignatius' Church History

St Ignatius' Church Historical Photos

Church in 1865
Church in 1883
Church in 1905

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