Catholic Churches in Quezon near me

There are 81 Catholic Church churches listed with in Quezon, Philippines.

Most Catholic Church churches are listed in Lucena City (5 churches) , Tiaong (4 churches) and Sariaya (4 churches). Tayabas, Lopez and Atimonan also have quite a number of Catholic Church churches listed (4, 4 and 3 churches respectively).

All RC churches in Quezon

Address: Pugawan,
San Francisco, Quezon, Philippines

Parish Priest: Fr. Victor R. Grimaldo

Mass Times:
Add Divine Mercy Parish - San Francisco, Quezon photo

Address: Ilasan,
Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines

Parish Priest: Fr. Antonio C. Salvania

Mass Times:
Add St. Roche Parish - Tayabas, Quezon photo

More Catholic Churches in Quezon, Philippines >>>

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