Resurrection Power Living Bread Ministries International Churches in Bronx, NY near me

There is 1 Resurrection Power Living Bread Ministries International church listed with in Bronx, New York.

In Bronx 54 other denominations are represented. Most popular of them are Assemblies of God (53 churches) , Baptist (42 churches) and Seventh-day Adventist Church (40 churches). Church of God, Christian Church and Episcopal Church also have quite a number of churches listed (33, 25 and 22 churches respectively).

Recently Updated Resurrection Power Living Bread Ministries International Churches in Bronx

Address: 585 E 163rd St
New York
United States

Pastor: Rev. Betty Twimasi

Service Times: Sunday English Service: 9:30 AM – 11:30

All Resurrection Power Living Bread Ministries International Churches in Bronx

Address: 585 E 163rd St
New York
United States

Pastor: Rev. Betty Twimasi

Service Times: Sunday English Service: 9:30 AM – 11:30