Roman Catholic Churches in Massapequa Park, NY near me

There is 1 Roman Catholic church listed with in Massapequa Park, New York.

In Massapequa Park 3 other denominations are represented. Most popular of them are Church of the Nazarene (1 church) , Evangelical Lutheran (1 church) and Christian Church (1 church).

Recently Updated RC churches in Massapequa Park

Address: 855 Carmans Road
Massapequa Park
New York
United States

Pastor: Monsignor James P. Lisante

Mass Times: Weekend Mass Saturday - 5 pm Sunday - 7:30

All RC churches in Massapequa Park

Address: 855 Carmans Road
Massapequa Park
New York
United States

Pastor: Monsignor James P. Lisante

Mass Times: Weekend Mass Saturday - 5 pm Sunday - 7:30