How to get to Church of St Paul & St Margaret by car or by bus
Church of St Paul & St Margaret is located in Nidd, North Yorkshire at Town Street.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Church Address
Town Street
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Phone: 01423 504373
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Travel/Directions Tips
The church is not visible from the A61. The best way to it is to aim for Nidd Hall Hotel, signposted from the Ripley to Knaresborough Road B6165. Drive up the long drive (with passing places), across the main entrance and swing left. The church is in front of you and parking is further round to the left.
Access to the church is up four 9' steps with handrails. We have no wheelchair access but can usually get wheelchairs and their occupants into church one way or another. We have had plans for a wheelchair ramp drawn up but it would cost over £30,000 to build and disfigure the main view of the church. Â
Access to the church is up four 9' steps with handrails. We have no wheelchair access but can usually get wheelchairs and their occupants into church one way or another. We have had plans for a wheelchair ramp drawn up but it would cost over £30,000 to build and disfigure the main view of the church. Â
Please share parking information and/or parking experience!
Church of St Paul & St Margaret Nidd, North Yorkshire on the map
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Driving directions to Church of St Paul & St Margaret
Church of St Paul & St Margaret - Town Street, Nidd, North Yorkshire
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
Church of St Paul & St Margaret Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)