How to get to First United Methodist Church of Honolulu by car or by bus
First United Methodist Church of Honolulu is located in Honolulu, Hawaii at 1020 S Beretania St.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Street Address
1020 S Beretania St
United States
Phone: (808) 522-9559
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Travel/Directions Tips
Our church is located on the corner of Beretania and Victoria Streets (1020 S. Beretania). Adjacent to the church is the Honolulu Museum of Art. The Blaisdell Concert Hall is two blocks toward the ocean on Victoria.
We have an underground parking lot on Victoria Street (the street in-between the church and the Honolulu Museum of Art. There is also street parking – no charge at the parking meters on Sundays. You can also park on Beretania Street, just make sure that you do not park directly in front of the church from where a NO PARKING sign is to the corner at Victoria Street.
If you park in the underground lot, you will see a staircase and an elevator. Take either to the first floor. From the staircase, turn right and across the courtyard, you will see the sanctuary. From the elevator, go down the hall and turn left and then you will see the courtyard to the sanctuary.
Our church offices are on the second floor.
If you park in the underground lot, you will see a staircase and an elevator. Take either to the first floor. From the staircase, turn right and across the courtyard, you will see the sanctuary. From the elevator, go down the hall and turn left and then you will see the courtyard to the sanctuary.
Our church offices are on the second floor.
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Driving directions to First United Methodist Church of Honolulu
First United Methodist Church of Honolulu - 1020 S Beretania St, Honolulu, HI
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button