How to get to Oak Lake Lutheran Church by car or by bus
Oak Lake Lutheran Church is located in Kerrick, Minnesota at 53131 Shadow Oak Rd..
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Church Address
Travel/Directions Tips
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We have a blacktop general parking area and assigned handicapped areas. On the west side of the church we have a lower paved parking area that allows you to walk in at the basement level to join us in coffee fellowship after services. We also have live video broadcast to watch services from the basement if you wish to stay on that level during services. Â
Oak Lake Lutheran Church Kerrick, MN on the map
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Driving directions to Oak Lake Lutheran Church
Oak Lake Lutheran Church - 53131 Shadow Oak Rd., Kerrick, MN
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
Thank You, Lord
Your Holy Spirit enfolds me - making me realize I am not alone. Thank You for Your strength, Your wisdom and the comfort of Your presence. Even in the most agonizing times I have the knowledge that You are there, Lord. When all I can do is whisper Your Name, it is enough. You hear. You care. You understand. My praise and adoration, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Your Holy Spirit enfolds me - making me realize I am not alone. Thank You for Your strength, Your wisdom and the comfort of Your presence. Even in the most agonizing times I have the knowledge that You are there, Lord. When all I can do is whisper Your Name, it is enough. You hear. You care. You understand. My praise and adoration, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Oak Lake Lutheran Church Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)