How to get to Ownbey Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church by car or by bus
Ownbey Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church is located in Ider, Alabama at 5594 Al Highway 75.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Street Address
5594 Al Highway 75
United States
Phone: 256-632-2070
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Travel/Directions Tips
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Ownbey Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church Ider, AL on the map
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Driving directions to Ownbey Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church
Ownbey Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church - 5594 Al Highway 75, Ider, AL
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
Empower me
Empower me to be a bold participant, rather than a timid saint in waiting; to exercise authority of honesty, rather than to defer to power or deceive to get it; to influence someone for justice, rather than impress anyone for gain; and by grace, to find treasures of joy, of friendship, of peace hidden in the fields you give me daily to plow.
Empower me to be a bold participant, rather than a timid saint in waiting; to exercise authority of honesty, rather than to defer to power or deceive to get it; to influence someone for justice, rather than impress anyone for gain; and by grace, to find treasures of joy, of friendship, of peace hidden in the fields you give me daily to plow.