How to get to Seoul Baptist Church of Houston by car or by bus
Seoul Baptist Church of Houston is located in Houston, Texas at 7775 Fairbanks North Houston Rd.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Church Address
7775 Fairbanks North Houston Rd
United States
Phone: 713-896-9200
Fax: 713-896-1622
Download Seoul Baptist Church of Houston vCard with Service Times
Click here to contact the church
Travel/Directions Tips
1. 하이웨이 290의 출구 Fairbanks-N Houston Rd로 나가신 뒤
2. Fairbanks-N Houston Rd 길의 북쪽으로 쭉 따라오시다 보면
- 어스틴방향에서 오시던 중이면 Fairbanks-N Houston에서 좌회전
- 610번쪽에서 오시던 중이면 우회전
3. 왼편에 휴스턴 서울교회가 있습니다. (290에서 약 1.5마일)
1. On 290 Freeway, take the exit towards Fairbanks-N Houston Rd.
2. Turn NORTH onto Fairbanks-N Houston Rd.
3. On Fairbanks-N Houston Rd, on your LEFT is
Seoul Baptist Church of Houston (1.5miles from 290 Freeway)
2. Fairbanks-N Houston Rd 길의 북쪽으로 쭉 따라오시다 보면
- 어스틴방향에서 오시던 중이면 Fairbanks-N Houston에서 좌회전
- 610번쪽에서 오시던 중이면 우회전
3. 왼편에 휴스턴 서울교회가 있습니다. (290에서 약 1.5마일)
1. On 290 Freeway, take the exit towards Fairbanks-N Houston Rd.
2. Turn NORTH onto Fairbanks-N Houston Rd.
3. On Fairbanks-N Houston Rd, on your LEFT is
Seoul Baptist Church of Houston (1.5miles from 290 Freeway)
Please share parking information and/or parking experience!
Seoul Baptist Church of Houston Houston, TX on the map
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Driving directions to Seoul Baptist Church of Houston
Seoul Baptist Church of Houston - 7775 Fairbanks North Houston Rd, Houston, TX
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
Seoul Baptist Church of Houston Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)