How to get to Unity Church of Rochester by car or by bus
Unity Church of Rochester is located in Rochester Hills, Michigan at 1038 Harding Road.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Church Address
1038 Harding Road
Rochester Hills,
United States
Phone: 248-656-0120
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Travel/Directions Tips
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Unity Church of Rochester Rochester Hills, MI on the map
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Driving directions to Unity Church of Rochester
Unity Church of Rochester - 1038 Harding Road, Rochester Hills, MI
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
Accept, O Lord
Accept, O Lord, my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my will. All that I am and have thou hast given to me; and I give all back to thee to be disposed of according to they good pleasure. Give me only the comfort of thy presence and the joy of thy love; with thee I shall be more than rich and shall desire nothing more.
Accept, O Lord, my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my will. All that I am and have thou hast given to me; and I give all back to thee to be disposed of according to they good pleasure. Give me only the comfort of thy presence and the joy of thy love; with thee I shall be more than rich and shall desire nothing more.
Unity Church of Rochester Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)