Day Of God, Thou Bless?d Day Lyrics and MP3

Day Of God, Thou Bless?d Day MP3 Music

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Day Of God, Thou Bless?d Day Lyrics

Day of God, thou bless?d day,
At thy dawn the grave gave way
To the power of Him within,
Who had, sinless, bled for sin.

Thine the radiance to illume
First, for man, the dismal tomb,
When its bars their weakness owned,
There revealing death dethroned.

Then the Sun of righteousness
Rose, a darkened world to bless,
Bringing up from mortal night
Immortality and light.

Day of glory, day of power,
Sacred be thine every hour:
Emblem, earnest, of the rest
That remaineth for the blest.

Quote of the Day

1 John 3:20

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.

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