Never in all human story Lyrics and MP3

Never in all human story MP3 Music

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Never in all human story Lyrics

Never in all human story
was a sight so wondrous seen,
Jesus Christ, the King of Glory,
cradled in a manger mean,
angel heralds in the sky,
lowly shepherds kneeling by.

Then the lamp of life was lighted,
brighter than the rising sun;
then were heaven and earth united,
peace of God on earth begun,
peace the troubled world to fill,
peace to those of holy will.

Prince of Peace! Your way before you
lies through nameless grief and pain:
death's dark shadow ever o'er you,
but it leads to highest reign:
glory that could never be,
but by way of Calvary.

Quote of the Day

Romans 8:14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

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