Never shone a light so fair! Lyrics and MP3

Never shone a light so fair! MP3 Music

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Never shone a light so fair! Lyrics

Never shone a light so fair,
Never fell so sweet a song,
As the chorus in the air
Chanted by the angel throng;
Ev?ry star took up the story:


?Christ has come, the Prince of glory,
Come in humble hearts to dwell;
God with us, God with us,
God with us, Immanuel!?

Still that Jubilee of song
Breaks upon the rising morn;
While the anthem rolls along,
Floods of light the earth adorn;
Old and young take up the story:


Welcome now the bless?d day,
When we praise the Lord our King;
When we meet to praise and pray,
And His love with gladness sing;
Let the world take up the story:


Quote of the Day

1 John 3:20

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.

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