None is Like God Lyrics and MP3

None is Like God MP3 Music

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None is Like God Lyrics

None is like God, Who reigns above,
So great, so pure, so high;
None is like God, Whose Name is Love,
And Who is always nigh.

In all the earth there is no spot
Excluded from His care;
We cannot go where God is not,
For He is everywhere.

He is our best and kindest Friend,
And guards us night and day;
To all our wants He will attend,
And answer when we pray.

O if we love Him as we ought,
And on His grace rely,
We shall be joyful at the thought
That God is always nigh.

Quote of the Day

Psalms 118:1

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

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