Now I have found the ground Lyrics and MP3

Now I have found the ground MP3 Music

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Now I have found the ground Lyrics

Now I have found the ground wherein
Sure my soul’s anchor may remain,
The wounds of Jesus, for my sin
Before the world’s foundation slain;
Whose mercy shall unshaken stay,
When Heaven and earth are fled away.

Father, Your everlasting grace
Our human thought surpassing far;
Your heart still melts with tenderness,
Your arms of love still open are,
Returning sinners will receive,
Eternal life as they believe.

Your Love, eternal hope, no less,
My sins consumed at Calvary!
Covered is my unrighteousness,
No spot of guilt remains on me,
While Jesu’s blood, through earth and skies,
Mercy, free, boundless mercy! cries.

Though waves and storms go o’er my head,
Though strength, and health, and friends be gone,
Though joys be withered all and dead,
Though every comfort be withdrawn,
On this my steadfast soul relies,
Father, Your mercy never dies.

Fixed on this ground will I remain,
Though my heart fail, and flesh decay;
This anchor shall my soul sustain,
When earth’s foundations melt away;
Mercy’s full power I then shall prove,
Loved with an everlasting love.

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