Christian Music starting with letter W
Spiritual Music
Our expanding music collection consists of MP3 Christian songs and music of worldwide origin.
- W -
We give immortal praise to God the Father
We give immortal praise
To God the Father’s love,
For all our comforts here,
And better hopes above;
He sent His...
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We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves!
We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves!
Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves!
Bear the news to every land, climb the mountains,...
Listen to 'We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves!'
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We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Bear the news...
Listen to 'We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!'
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We Lift Our Hearts To Thee
We lift our hearts to Thee,
O Day Star from on high!
The sun itself is but Thy shade,
Yet cheers both earth and sky.
O let Thine orient...
Listen to 'We Lift Our Hearts To Thee'
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We love the place, O God
We love the place, O God,
Wherein Thine honour dwells;
The joy of Thine abode
All earthly joy excels.
We love the...
Listen to 'We love the place, O God'
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Quote of the Day
Psalms 118:1
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
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